
Exhibition News

Exhibition News

EXPOMAQ 2024 Mexico

𒊎 Date:2024-05-17 Click:50

Among the many machine tool exhibitions in the world, Mexico Leon Machine Tool Exhibition (Expomaq) The exhibition is an indispensable industry trade show in North America, and is a machine tool exhibition that is loved by exhibitors and buyers. Mexico Leon Machine Tool Exhibition (Expomaq) is a large-scale machine tool exhibition in Mexico.The EXPOMAQ2024  Mexico will be held in Leon Exhibition Center from 18th to 20th Jun.

We will bring and show our precise pro🐽ducts like chuck jaws, power chucks, manual chucks, tailstock live centers etc.

Omatei invites you to join us in this grand event and welcomes you to visit our booth at Hall-C1-113. We look forward to seeing you and provide you the professional gripping solution .

Exhibition:2024 Mexico Machine Tool and Automation Exhibition EXPOMAQ
Date:From 18th to 20th Jun 2024
Venue:   Leon Exhibition Center, Mexico
Booth:Hall:C1  Booth:113


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